
he vmware-vdiskmanager tool

The VMware Disk Management Tool is a command line tool which is installed by default with VMware Server. The executable file is named vmware-vdiskmanager and is located in \Program Files\VMware\VMware Server on Windows hosts, and /usr/bin on Linux systems.
The tool accepts a number of command-line arguments, a full listing of which can be obtained by running vmware-vdiskmanager with no options.

Virtual Disk Types

The type to which a virtual disk is to be converted is specified using the -t flag, together with the target disk type. This is represented by a number as outlined in the following table:
Type Identifier
Growable (single .vmdk file)
1 Growable (multiple 2GB files)
2 Pre-allocated (single file)
Pre-allocated (multiple 2GB files)
4 Pre-allocated ESX
5 Compressed for streaming

Performing the Virtual Disk Type Conversion

The vmware-vdiskmanager command requires a number of arugments perform a virtual disk type conversion. The syntax for a type conversion is as follows:
vmware-vdiskmanager -r .vmdk -t  .vmdk
where .vmdk is the name of the virtual disk image file to be converted,  is the number from the above table indicating the target virtual disk type, and .vmdk is the name of the new, converted file.
For example, to convert a virtual disk image file called win2008-1_2.vmdk to a growable disk called new.vmdk the following command would need to be executed:
vmware-vdiskmanager -r  win2008-1_2.vmdk -t 0 new.vmdk

Creating disk 'new.vmdk'
Convert: 100% done.
Virtual disk conversion successful.
Once the conversion is completed, the virtual machine will need to be configured to use the converted disk, or the new disk renamed to have the name of the original disk.

很多用户在使用Oracle WebCenter Content一段时间后,会发现系统生成索引的速度越来越慢,影响到用户的使用体验。当使用OracleTextSearch或FullText索引方式的时候,就象我们使用电脑时不时要进行磁盘碎片整理一样,需要定时进行索引的碰片整理。

 在默认情况下,当WebCenter Content每索引5000个文档会自动进行全文索引优化,但在实际使用过程中,往往需要我们在使用过程中人工进行干预。 下面是我们公司实际生产环境中的WebCenter Content,长时间没有进行索引整理,从下图可以看到有超过75%的索引碎片。

ctx_ddl.optimize_index(‘FT_IDCTEXT1′,’FULL’, parallel_degree =>’1′); 

注意:当动活动的索引不同索引名称有可能不同,具体请参考WebCenter Content在线文档。

当然,我们也可以设置数据库的调度程序作业来定时进行索引优化,打开SQL Developer,以SYS用户连接数据库,运行脚本以创建调度作业。

WebCenter Content安装实施后,只有进行持续的优化才能保证以最佳的性能运行。上海同富能为您提供包括Weblogic\WebCenter Conter\WebCenter Portal的整体优化方案。



/opt/swap              swap                    swap    defaults        0 0


让W510折腾得每天老是肩膀疼,而且觉得总不能老是把Mac Air当成在StarBucks装13工具,总得把它用起来吧。周末开始在Mac上折腾开发环境,Eclipse解压后就能运行,但是装JDeveloper还是费点劲才弄好。。
1. 首先确认JDK已正确安装,在终端窗口运行”java -version“,如果没有安装可按系统向导步骤进行安装;
2.确认Java 1.6是默认的JDK,打开实用工具—>Java 偏好设置,Java SE 6 64位应该在第一位,如果否调整64位JDK至第一位。
3.创建Symbol Link

cd /SystemLibrary/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home/
sudo mkdir jre
cd jre
sudo mkdir lib
cd lib
sudo ln -s ../../../Classes/classes.jar rt.jar

3. 现在在终端窗口运行Java -version,提示信息类似如下:

java version “1.6.0_31”
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_31-b04-415-11M3635)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0_31-b01-415, mixed mode)

4.到OTN网站http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/jdev/downloads/index.html 下载JDeveloper 11g 11.1. 1.6.0的通用版本jdevstudio11116install.jar。

5. 运行jdevstudio11116install.jar,安装程序正确找到本地JDK,下一步下一步即可完成安装。

 更详尽的信息可以在https://blogs.oracle.com/shay/entry/installing_jdeveloper_on_mac_os 找到, thanks Shay。

有个客户很羡慕传说中WebCenter Site的功能,准备在一项目在使用这产品。为了能评估工作量加上不被各色人等忽悠,只能自己装一次评估。在eDelivery上下载了安装程序,真坑爹,一点都不象以前O记的产品,居然安装说明的文档都没有。在Weblogic上安装,以手工部署的方式很顺利就完成了应用的安装,但在升级到7.6时就卡住了,测试时出现以下错误:

HelloCS has failed.
Ping DB has failed.
DB Permissions has failed. 

在服务器启动时报Caused By: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field
org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.SINGLETON from class



两天的试用,觉得O记要完全实现Fatwire与Webcenter Content整合明显需要一段时间。拿这玩意来做外网应用的还是值得探讨的。

Not so good

  • Some of the basic changes within the implementation requires quite a lot of work. A good example is vanity URLs. Most of the clients now a days have this basic requirement especially around blobs but there is none out of the box URL assembler available
  • Deployment is one of the most painful area. Even with CSDT, which is just the recent addition to product, there are many area’s which it lacks. The basic use cases are not covered by CSDT
  • With CS 761, there are headless installs which is welcome change through if you are upgrading to CS 761 from version below CS 75 there is no other way apart from GUI based installers
  • Product customisation is one of the pain area’s. There is no concept of extending the existing elements into your project elements and apply changes. Which means each time you run an upgrade, there is an activity to reapply all the changes again which makes upgrades sooo much error prone and time consuming
  • CS Engage, for providing personalised content, has never been an easy product to work with and get your head around it
  • There are number of modules on top of core content server but its been utilised scarcely across the globe and tough to find a single case study when in need
  • Rollbacks are still is old 90′s fashion way of taking file system and database dump and restoring them back. Cold dumps needs to be taken to get an exact snapshot of the system at that point in time
  • Lots of documentation is there but they cover basic information and for anything beyond basic changes require folow-up on yahoo groups or through support
  • Support centre has not been supportive. It sometimes feel, just to meet their SLA’s, there are responses which doesn’t even relate back to the actual query
  • etc. etc.

客户系统上线前,发现在生产环境的Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.1上的UCM 11gR5打开文件时,一直显示索引错误,信息“Text conversion of  the file …… failed. Content has been indexed with Info only. Resubmit should only be performed if the problem has been resolved.”如下图所示:


>indexer/7 01.13 14:10:03.450   index update work InputFilePath is:   indexer/7  01.13 14:10:03.450   index update work OutputFilePath is: >indexer/7    01.13 14:10:03.450   index update work Sending document to conversion >(internal)/7  01.13 14:10:03.496  TextExport #7531#8FDB#7A0B ‘TextExport’ #610F#5916#4E2D#6B62#3002 intradoc.common.ServiceException: !csErrorReturnedByProcess,TextExport!$/u01/app/oracle/Middleware/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/components/ContentAccess-linux/linux/lib/contentaccess/textexport: error while loading shared libraries: libz.  (internal)/7   01.13 14:10:03.496   TextExport         at intradoc.taskmanager.TaskLauncher.launchExe(TaskLauncher.java:381)  (internal)/7  01.13 14:10:03.496  TextExport         at intradoc.taskmanager.TaskMonitor$1.run(TaskMonitor.java:116)  (internal)/7  01.13 14:10:03.496   TextExport         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)

没有仔细看trace信息内容,开始在网上和oracle support网站找text conversion相关的信息,相关的解决方案主要是确认textexport的执行权限或者是设置LD_LIBRARY_PATH和ContentAccessExtraLibDir(在intradoc.cfg文件)几种方式,但是试过这几种方式都不奏效,如此试了几次,也只好放弃。

再一次回到正常分析的路子上来,从trace信息中可以看出是找到到共享库libz.,尝试在/usr/lib和/usr/lib64找libz.so,有64位的文件,但是没有32位的文件。难道象很多程序一样,UCM也是用32位的libz.so来执行text conversion的命令,google了一把,发现libz.so是zlib包里,用yum install zlib.i686实现相关包的安装,确认libz.so存在于相关的文件夹下,重新启动Content Server,再点击重新提交,问题解决。

Repository Manager重新提交所有文档,再重建索引,完成已检入文件的全文索引支持。

1.下载Oracle OTN下载最新的jRockit安装包;
2. 运行“chmod +x jrockit-jdk1.6.0_29-R28.2.0-4.1.0-linux-x64.bin”,使安装文件有执行权限;

  alternatives –install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jrockit-jdk1.6.0_29/bin/java 1000
 alternatives –display java (看当前使用何版本JDK)
 alternatives –config java  (选择JDK)

java -version看当前使用的java版本。

在虚拟机上安装Oracle数据库11gR2,当运行到“Link binaries”环节时出现“Error in invoking target ‘mkldflags ntcontab.o nnfge.o’ of makefile”错误,折腾了老半天,发现是缺少gcc运行库引起。

安装时按照Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) Installation On Oracle Linux 6 一文介绍的步骤进行,但死活都出错。到Metalink查答案,确认是gcc运行环境引起的,只好一个个包对过去。发现在是文章中是以着安装“rpm -Uvh gcc-4*x86_64*”,而系统上的包名应该是“gcc.x86_64 0:4.4.5-6.el6”,安装该包后重试,安装程序正常运行。

教训:如果出错,运行“gcc –version ”,会显示当前的gcc版本信息,运行“rpm -qa –queryformat “%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} (%{ARCH})\n” | grep glibc-devel

glibc-devel-2.12-1.25.el6 (x86_64)
glibc-devel-2.12-1.25.el6 (i686)